This week, another war story, this time with Josh’s dad, who tells about 30+ years of military service and the war in Afghanistan.
Category: Stack Podcast
Ep 035: War Stories #1 with Robert A.
Josh’s grandfather recounts his experience of WWII, including the Bataan Death March and meeting the Japanese.
Ep 034: Mars Review with ~librex-dozryc
Introduction This week we speak with Noah Kumin, also known as ~librex-dozryc, New York human, if such a thing exists, a genuine Tycho with the good fortune to make the lists of Urbit and Stack elite. Making the Stack elite can’t be done by the effete, no, but there is a bit about Noah’s blueberry… Continue reading Ep 034: Mars Review with ~librex-dozryc
Ep 032: The Combine with ~poldec-tonteg
Introduction Welcome back to The Stack This week we speak with Anthony Arroyo, better known on the network as poldec-tonteg. Formerly at Tlon, Anthony left his work there to find himself in the deserts of the Southwestern US, where he had a peyote vision of himself as a steep-sided gully formed by the action of… Continue reading Ep 032: The Combine with ~poldec-tonteg
Ep 031: “Winning Faster” with Logan Allen
This week, we speak with Logan Allen, better known to Urbit as ~tacryt-socryp.
We talk ~tirrel, Uqbar, decaying cities, how Urbit fixes everything, what makes sound money, and running your own company.
Episode 30: “Dog People” with ~master-morzod
This week we speak with Joe Bryan, engineering manager at Tlon and known to the network as ~master-morzod.
Episode 029: The Onliest Monk
This week we speak with Philip Monk, CTO of Tlon and a man with a name fit for the Urbit Monasteries of the future. We talk about L2 and the projects that come after, how much traffic is too much traffic from Hacker News, how one goes about pruning events and whether ‘til nobler to increase the size of the loom or to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous javascript hacks in the pursuit of a faster ship.
Episode 028: 2022
This is but a cozy new year chat between your best friends Josh and Andy
We talk beards, sartorialism, weird Chinese social stuff, and Anglo-Saxonry.
And as ever: manly predictions for the New Year.
Episode 027: Tofu Maximalism with Galen Wolfe-Pauly
This week we speak with Tlon cofounder and CEO Galen Wolfe-Pauly. We discuss his design theory, how his Urbit vision has changed over the years, and running a company in the Age of Covid. Per community request, we stage an intervention over his frankly alarming level of tofu fanaticism.
Episode 026: Banking on Urbit with ~finnem
This week we speak with ~finnem, finance maven from a secret haven in the land of guns, chocolate, and sausage respecting. The lady talks to us about the possible use cases of Urbit for making bank. No, for making a bank. A Swiss bank, which everyone knows is the best sort.